Aprendendo A Lidar Com Pessoas Difceis

قرأت نسخه مترجمه منه ، كانت خفيفه لدرجة اني أنهيتها بيوم:) وجميله بحق ، تتحدث عن انماط شخصيات البشر وقسمهم الكاتب بشكل ظريف الى عدة اقسام، ويحتوي الكتاب على درس ، ووضع بالبدايه هدف وصحح مساره وطبقه على الشخصيه صعبة المراس واظهر النتائج ، جميل جداً ، انصح به للكل:) ، شكراً د.دريك برنكمان ود. دريك كيرشنر ، thanx for your great book and for you also:) قرأت نسخه مترجمه منه ، كانت خفيفه لدرجة اني أنهيتها بيوم:) وجميله بحق ، تتحدث عن انماط شخصيات البشر وقسمهم الكاتب بشكل ظريف الى عدة اقسام، ويحتوي الكتاب على ٢٤ درس ، ووضع بالبدايه هدف وصحح مساره وطبقه على الشخصيه صعبة المراس واظهر النتائج ، جميل جداً ، انصح به للكل:) ، شكراً د.دريك برنكمان ود. دريك كيرشنر ، thanx for your great book and for you also:). A quick read on strategies for dealing with and understanding the intent and motivations of difficult people. I think there are some helpful tips in this book and a pretty spot on assessment of the types of difficult people you may run into. However, I think the book would've benefited from a few case studies and specific examples. Also, it seemed at times the intended audience shifted - are thexe techniques for dealing with difficult people in the workplace or everywhere?

I think my biggest A quick read on strategies for dealing with and understanding the intent and motivations of difficult people. I think there are some helpful tips in this book and a pretty spot on assessment of the types of difficult people you may run into. However, I think the book would've benefited from a few case studies and specific examples.

Also, it seemed at times the intended audience shifted - are thexe techniques for dealing with difficult people in the workplace or everywhere? I think my biggest issue was that there was no follow-up for difficult people with motivations/intentions outside of the ones focused on in this book. For instance, the authors acknowledge that the sniper can be malicious or friendly, but only elaborates on how to deal with the friendly sniper. Overall, it's a nice effort with some good strategies, but it could be better if the writers went a little deeper. Bisa dibilang buku ini sulit diaplikasikan di zaman sekarang.Pertama, penjelasan yang disajikan tidak komprehensif. Pembaca buku ini diharapkan sudah mengerti dasar-dasar ilmu komunikasi dan psikologi. Ada jarak antara satu poin ke poin berikutnya.

Aprendendo a lidar com pessoas dificeis 1

Hal tersebut tidak terasa menyenangkan. Saya tidak berhasil menerjemahkan panduan dari buku ini ke dalam langkah aksi yang berguna.

Aprendendo A Lidar Com Pessoas Dificeis En


Yang ada hanyalah anjuran untuk langkah normal seperti bersabar, jaga intonasi, dengarkan alasannya. Itu sama saja Bisa dibilang buku ini sulit diaplikasikan di zaman sekarang.Pertama, penjelasan yang disajikan tidak komprehensif. Pembaca buku ini diharapkan sudah mengerti dasar-dasar ilmu komunikasi dan psikologi.

Aprendendo A Lidar Com Pessoas Dificeis De

Ada jarak antara satu poin ke poin berikutnya. Hal tersebut tidak terasa menyenangkan. Saya tidak berhasil menerjemahkan panduan dari buku ini ke dalam langkah aksi yang berguna.

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Yang ada hanyalah anjuran untuk langkah normal seperti bersabar, jaga intonasi, dengarkan alasannya. Itu sama saja dengan pelajaran dasar komunikasi efektif.Kedua, pembaca buku diarahkan untuk menjadi orang yang luwes dan serba bisa. Sebabnya adalah setiap tipe 'individu sulit' memiliki cara penanganan spesifik. Sikap baik yang ditunjukkan pun seolah-olah memang untuk tujuan profesional, bukan dari cerminan pribadi.


Yah, memang buku ini ditujukan untuk profesional. Jadi apa boleh buat.Orang yang sulit selalu ada di sekitar kita. Kalau di sekitar anda tidak ada orang yang sulit, berarti andalah si orang sulit. This is what I have been reduced to.On the other hand, it actually seems to be working so far.

Now if only one of the types of 'difficult people' in the workplace they described weren't motivated either by the desire to get it done or get it right, be liked or approved of, as much as an intense and insatiable need to be thought of as having never so much as touched a mistake no matter how disastrous the results of their decisions later turned out to be. I would, just in case any intrepid authors This is what I have been reduced to.On the other hand, it actually seems to be working so far. Now if only one of the types of 'difficult people' in the workplace they described weren't motivated either by the desire to get it done or get it right, be liked or approved of, as much as an intense and insatiable need to be thought of as having never so much as touched a mistake no matter how disastrous the results of their decisions later turned out to be. I would, just in case any intrepid authors out there are looking for a subject to tackle, be willing to pay a decent amount of money for something that would give me some solid tips on how to discuss learning from and moving forward on past mistakes with someone who takes every mention of any past mistake, no matter how elliptical or couched or how careful I am to direct blame at other (innocent) parties, with a comprehensive discussion of how entirely blameless they are and a long list of unrelated mistakes I've made. Every behavior (whether acceptable or problem) has a primaryintent or purpose that it’s trying to accomplish. We’ve identified fourgeneral intents that determine how people will react in any situation:Get the task done.Get the task right.Get along with people.Get appreciation from people.(These aren’t the only intentions that motivate people, but theyserve as a useful framework for understanding and dealing with difficultbehaviors.)When these intents become thwarted or frustrated, trouble Every behavior (whether acceptable or problem) has a primaryintent or purpose that it’s trying to accomplish.

We’ve identified fourgeneral intents that determine how people will react in any situation:Get the task done.Get the task right.Get along with people.Get appreciation from people.(These aren’t the only intentions that motivate people, but theyserve as a useful framework for understanding and dealing with difficultbehaviors.)When these intents become thwarted or frustrated, trouble arises.Behaviors can be pushed to the extreme—which may lead to thedifficult behaviors outlined earlier.

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