Black Ops Zombies Gpd Mods
Xbox live name senior clean20note:THIS IS NOT TO BE USED ONLINE. MAKE SURE YOU ARE OFFLINE.Download link:.Only for Offline.DPAD UP:-Delete All Zombies.-God Mode.DPAD DOWN:-Drop Weapon.DPAD LEFT:-Give Upgraded Ray Gun.DPAD RIGHT:-Give AK-47.LEFT BUMPER:-Toggle No-Clip.RIGHT BUMPER:-Toggle Cartoon ModeRIGHT STICK:-Give Ammo.-Fall Damage Max height 1.-Jump Height Increases.-No fog.-Far Melee.-Unlimited Ammo Clip.-Mystery Box doesn't move.-Triple Tap.SELECT BUTTON:-Fast Motion.-Slow Motion.INSTRUCTIONS. If you have the update take out your wireless adapter or Ethernet cable Before you turn on your Xbox. Create a new account and start black ops OFFLINE.
Escape the chair then turn off your modio and select explore my device. Find the account you just created and drag the profile to your desktop. From there drag the profile into modio so you can see the console id and profile id. Click on file contents next to general info and look for 41560855.gpd. Right click and choose replace file and choose the file downloaded in the link at the top of this post. After that click rehash and resign and drag it back into your hard drive. And click yes to all.
Put back your hard drive and sign into your account that you created. MAKE SURE THE WIRELESS ADAPTER OR ETHERNET CABLE IS UNPLUGGED. Start black ops and choose Zombies sole. Then pick your map and enjoy!!!
Black Ops Zombies God Mode
How to download black ops 2 zombies usb mods ps3 no jailbreak files to my device?. 1. Click download file button or Copy black ops 2 zombies usb mods ps3 no jailbreak URL which shown in textarea when you clicked file title, and paste it into your browsers address bar.

Black Ops 1 Zombies

If file is multipart don't forget to check all parts before downloading!. 2.
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