Pokemon Conquest Ap Patch Acekard 2i
I've gotta do the NitroExplorer thing for it to work, but I'm excited. Good job on the fast update. C:Edit: I am wondering though, would it be possible to include the 2CH AP patch with the translation patch in the future?It's not a major deal, but out of curiosity.Again, good job and good luck.Right now there are some cards that already fully support B2W2 without any patches. For some reason, pokestation pre-included AP patch screws up the ROM (whenever I try just to extract a002 and a003 and to reinsert them into clean ROM, this clean ROM works fine). I would like either a choice of 'just translation'/'translation with AP' or just translation the way it is now. It is not like applying dicastia patch from 2CH with a hex editor is too complicated thing to do.
Right now there are some cards that already fully support B2W2 without any patches. For some reason, pokestation pre-included AP patch screws up the ROM (whenever I try just to extract a002 and a003 and to reinsert them into clean ROM, this clean ROM works fine). I would like either a choice of 'just translation'/'translation with AP' or just translation the way it is now. It is not like applying dicastia patch from 2CH with a hex editor is too complicated thing to do.Alright, I had no idea it had that effect (I have a Pokestation patched Black 2, Project Pokemon patched White 2, but I haven't played either yet), so thanks for explaining that.It would be nice to have the option, like you mentioned, but I'll do the longer route if it means a better patch. Alright, I had no idea it had that effect (I have a Pokestation patched Black 2, Project Pokemon patched White 2, but I haven't played either yet), so thanks for explaining that.It would be nice to have the option, like you mentioned, but I'll do the longer route if it means a better patch.Normally, it shouldn't have that effect. Altering hex values that only involve the AP should do nothing but affect the AP. If there are any ill effects from applying an AP patch (or a translation patch that includes that AP fix), then you should be looking at your cart, not at the patch.By the way, to note, those 'some cards' only include the Supercard DSTWO.
Acekard 2i Setup
Nothing else can run the games clean yet. I wouldn't say the problem of one person with a DSTWO is the problem of everybody.