How To Install Centreon On Debian
Centreon Repository
Centreon Centos 6
Debian/UbuntuIn recent Debian/Ubuntu versions, necessary software is available asbinary packages from distribution repositories. Either use the PackageManager or the apt-get tool to install them. You should check packagesversion when necessary.Package required to build: SoftwarePackage NameDescriptionC compilation environmentbuild-essentialMandatory tools to compile.CMake (= 2.8)cmakeRead the build script andprepare sources for compilation.Centreon Clib (= 1.4)centreon-clib-devCore library used by CentreonConnector.Install compilation tools. OpenSUSEIn recent OpenSUSE versions, necessary software is available as binarypackages from OpenSUSE repositories. Either use the Package Manager orthe zypper tool to install them. You should check packages versionwhen necessary.Package required to build: SoftwarePackage NameDescriptionC compilation environmentgcc gcc-c makeMandatory tools to compile.CMake (= 2.8)cmakeRead the build script andprepare sources for compilation.Centreon Clib (= 1.4)centreon-clib-develCore library used by CentreonConnector.Install compilation tools. $ cmake -DWITHPREFIX=/usr -DWITHPREFIXBIN=/usr/sbin -DWITHPREFIXCONF=/etc/centreon-engine -DWITHPREFIXLIB=/usr/lib/centreon-engine -DWITHUSER=centreon-engine -DWITHGROUP=centreon-engine -DWITHLOGROTATESCRIPT=1 -DWITHVARDIR=/var/log/centreon-engine -DWITHRWDIR=/var/lib/centreon-engine/rw -DWITHSTARTUPDIR=/etc/init.d -DWITHPKGCONFIGSCRIPT=1 -DWITHPKGCONFIGDIR=/usr/lib/pkgconfig -DWITHTESTING=0At this step, the software will check for existence and usability of thererequisites.
How To Install Centreon On Debian Windows 10
If one cannot be found, an appropriate error message willbe printed. Otherwise an installation summary will be printed.